Chinese Medicine Yoga Series


This portal serves as a compliment to your physical practice in class. You can explore the discussion topics and begin to layer in a deeper understanding of your personal archetype.


Find your Chinese Element

This questionnaire will help you explore your energetic composition. We will use the information you gather from this short test to peel back the layers of your yoga practice both on and off the mat.

Submit your name and e-mail below to receive the questionnaire for your Chinese Element.


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Yin-Yang Theory

Cycles of Circles

Heaven was created by an accumulation of Yang; the Earth was created by an accumulation of Yin. Water and fire are the symbols of Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang are the source of power and the beginning of everything in creation. Yang ascends to the Heavens; Yin descends to the Earth. Hence the universe represents motion and rest, controlled by the wisdom of nature. Nature grants the power to beget and to grow, to harvest and to store, to finish and to begin. - Ilza Veith, Nei Ching

Download this pdf on the theory of Yin-Yang. End with a small yoga practice to help you experience the theory in practice.

Check out the Free Breathing Meditation on Yin-Yang by clicking the icon above.

Check out the Free Breathing Meditation on Yin-Yang by clicking the icon above.

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Element 1: Metal

The Alchemist/ Season Fall

The nature of metal is pure and refined. Fall is a time for evolution through the process of reduction. By returning matter, leaves for example, back to its source it can prepare for a new season of re-growth of the spring.

The Alchemist is the keeper of standards and measures. He/She is the master of ceremony and discipline. A strong metal personality is extremely intelligent, orderly, focused and deeply spiritual. You have the ability to simplify life.

Click Here for FREE Fall Journal to help you navigate the season of metal.


Element 2: Water

Creative Philosopher/ Season Winter

The nature of water is beautiful and life-giving, soft and fluid, gracefully finding its way around obstacles but persistent and powerful enough to carve a canyon.

A strong water personality contains tremendous patience, you love to slow down and appreciate the details. You prefer private, deep conversations. Extremely imaginative and creative. You love to ponder and take nature in.



Element 3: Wood

The Determined Pioneer/ Season Spring

The nature of wood is powerful and fearless, like a seedling bursting through soil, it is strong and resilient.

A strong wood personality has determination and confidence like no other. They believe in ethical kindness and equal opportunity. They love to help the underdog.


Element 4: Fire

The Passionate Comedian/ Season Summer

The nature of fire is warm, inviting, infectious and expanding; burning bright and vibrant for all to see, but like a wildfire, it can move quickly and change direction without notice.

A strong fire personality loves everyone; your contagious smile, joy, and laughter make you the life of the party. With lively energy you think, move, and eat quickly through life.


Element 5: Earth

The Nurturing Peacemaker/ Season Late Summer

The nature of earth is loving, generous, supportive, and nurturing like the soil beneath your feet. Earth is resistant to change which can bring worry and resentment.

A strong earth personality is overflowing with compassion, loyalty and kindness; generously helping anyone in need. You have a heart for people, community and relationships.