

Join Aiiro in a more personal study in your path to wellness. Explore some of the self-study topics below.


Find your Chinese Element

This questionnaire will help you explore your energetic composition. We will use the information you gather from this short test to peel back the layers of your yoga practice both on and off the mat.

Click the symbol above to begin your journey into Chinese Medicine.




Clues to our Purpose Body

This in-depth look at  physical and mental alignment will unlock clues into your deeper alignment body— your purpose body. This course is ideal for anyone wondering what they should do next and how to access their true purpose in life.

Free Body Scan Meditation


Self-Myofascial Release

Unlocking the Fascial Planes

Fascia is quickly becoming a part of the athletic and wellness community vocabulary. Yet, there are still so many misconceptions and misunderstandings about what the fascia is, how we can access it for general health, and what poses will benefit our bodies best.

December 2019 gain access to your personal practice in Myofascial Release



Aligning our bodies & energy

The mysticism of Chakras in yogic philosophy can lose some of the more scientific and analytical yogis. In this training you will align the Eastern teachings of the energetic Chakra System with the Western medicine of anatomy and physiology.

Coming January 2020