"Game Face" Meditation Techniques for Athletes
As an athlete, being at the top of your game involves not only hours of practice and dedication to skill. There are mental capacities that need honing in order to heighten performance. When athletes become more aware of their bodies, they also build resilience to handle stress, which unlocks elevated performance levels. Mindfulness training can grow the inner capacities of distress tolerance, present-moment awareness, and acute focus.
"Game Face" helps coaches gain the skills to create a program that fits the needs of their team and each individual athlete.
Elasticity: Fascial Conditioning
Fascia is a broad term for the connective tissue that weaves throughout the entire body to stabilize and bind the muscles, bones, and organs together. This workshop discusses the use of dynamic, rebounding movements to condition and reorganize our fascia into supple, reactive bands, dramatically increasing range of motion, athleticism, and mobility.
Soft-tissue dysfunction is a common issue in adolescents that can cause injury. Mobility deficits can affect sports performance, agility, running mechanics, and other athletic demands.
This workshop will discuss, show, and explore these various techniques. By training the fascia in this way, students will learn how to become more mobile and improve balance, proprioception, and reflex.